Certification Type
Enrollment (Korean/English), Registration, Expulsion (Korean/English), Leave of Absence (Korean/English), (Expected) Graduation, Completion (Korean/English) Certificate, Transcript (Korean/English), Academic Record, Tuition Payment Certificate, (Expected) Course Completion Certificate, (Expected) Teacher Qualification, Double Major Completion Certificate, etc.
Issuing period
All year round
How to issue
Internet issuance
- How to issue: Access http://cert.kongju.ac.kr, sign up for membership, log in and issue
- Available certificate: All certificates issued by the certificate issuing machine (after the class of 1987)
- Available hours: Available 24 hours
- Fee: Free
Automatic Issuing Machine
- How to issue: Directly print the certificates from the Automatic Issuing Machine
- Available certificate: Transcript, Graduation, Enrollment, Leave of absence, Enrollment, Expulsion, Completion, Tuition Payment Certificate, Academic Record, etc.
- Location: Gongju Campus (University Headquarters 2F), Cheonan Campus (College of Engineering 9, 1F), Yesan Campus (University Headquarters, Administrative Office)
- Required time: Will be issued immediately
- Fee: Free (2018. 3. 1. ~)
Student Service Center
- How to issue: Visit the centre
- Available certificate: All the certificates from the issuing machine, Double Major Completion Certificate, Completion Teaching Course, (Expected) Teacher Qualification, (Expected) Graduation, (Expected) Completion, (Expected) Degree, Republishing Teacher Qualification
- Opening hours:
- Fee: Free (2018. 3. 1. ~)
Issuance by fax at government offices
- How to issue: Visit the nearest Eup/Myeon/Dong government office
- Available certificate: All the certificates from the student service centre
- Issuing process: Request Fax issuing service at a government office -> Student service centre will receive the request -> Student service centre will send a fax to the government office -> You can receive the certificate
- Available hours: Government office working hour
- Required time: Approx. 3 hrs.
- Fee: The amount required by the government office
Issuance by post service
- How to issue: Visit the nearest post office
- Issuing process: Request the issuing service at a post office then you will receive the envelope
- Available certificate: All the certificates from the student service centre
- Available hours: Post office working hours
- Required time: 2-3 days
- Fee: The amount required by the post office (The issuing fee is free (2018. 3. 1. ~))
* Help service: Student Service Center (041-850-8023)